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Assignment 1 (AnimeWeb)

The task was to create a well-formed XML file. We could choose the topic by ourselves. I like anime, so I figured out that I am going to create something like an online database of information about anime. There are <anime> and <director> elements that were later (in the 2nd assignment) linked together using key references. It turns out that anime series tend to have multiple directors.

Assignment 2 (AnimeWeb)

An image showing the XML file with CSS applied

The task was to apply styles to the XML file created in the previous assignment using CSS and to create DTD or XML Schema for our document. I chose XML Schema because it was worth more points than DTD.

The files that were created/modified in this assignment are listed below:

Assignment 3 (AnimeWeb)

A gif showing the AnimeWeb project

The task was to create four transformations of the original XML document to the following formats: TXT, XHTML, XML, and SVG.

The files that were created/generated in this assignment are listed below:

Assignment 4 (PifuPafu)

A gif showing the PifuPafu project

The task was to create a simple web-page game using SVG and JavaScript. The genre could be any. I decided to create a shooter because I once told someone I would. By the way, those green circles are assumed to be zombies.

The files that were created in this assignment are the following:

Assignment 5 (XMLEditor)

A gif showing the XMLEditor project

The task was to create a web-page editor to edit XML files that are valid against the XML Schema created in the 2nd assignment. I started working on it the evening before the deadline. Somehow, after a sleepless night, I managed to finish it on time.